Friday, 3 January 2014

TEAM CAWOOD HAVE BEEN TRYING OUR NEW EQUIBLOX. Find out what Lucinda, Herbie and Alfie think of our new compressed forage block.

Being a guest blogger for Fulmart Feeds certainly has its advantages, one of which is the opportunity to try out new products such as the Equiblox. I have two event horses who thrive on attention and the fact that I work full time means they have to occupy themselves for the best part of the day.
For Herbie this means hassling Alfie all day over the stable door or fence in the field and picking up anything he can get his teeth into (head collars, rugs, wheel barrow….the list is endless!) and for Alfie it is all about doing what he can to get rid of Herbie (as he prefers the easy life!). Equiblox have been a great addition as they can last for a whole morning so I know the boys are occupied whilst I’m at work.
As the horses have to be super fit to go eventing but also have to be calm enough to go out and perform a dressage test I am very fussy about the heating properties in the feed I give them (which is the reason they are both on Chill Out Condition Cubes). Equiblox are an ideal addition to their daily feed as they have low sugar content and no added molasses so are non-heating. There is also a High-Fibre variant which is great for horses who gain weight easily.
I would absolutely recommend the Equiblox as a way of occupying horses without giving them sugary treats and Alfie and Herbie can certainly vouch for them tasting nice!!


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